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5 Tips For Your Workleisure Wardrobe

Invest in a yak wool sweater that delivers every day for work, life, and all climates.
Janurary 23, 2025
By Kelsey Harrison

Workleisure: Make It Work For You

Introducing the third blog post in my 3-part blog series about making your workleisure work for you. Workleisure, or the relaxed mix of outfits you wear for remote work, doesn’t have to feel like you’re dressing for Sweatpants Saturday.

In this blog, I share tips and tricks on making your workleisure sweater work from dawn to dusk as a WFH mom.


Working from home comes with several benefits—especially when it comes to what you wear.

You get to wear what you want to wear... However, PJ pants and a T-shirt with yesterday’s coffee stain on it aren’t the way to feel your best.

With a versatile sweater that blends the best of workwear and leisure, known as "workleisure", you can dress for productivity and confidence while staying cozy.

I’ve been working remotely for 6 years, and I’ve learned a few things along the way. Consider these 5 tips for workleisure that fit the bill.

Opting For More Comfortable Sweaters - Oliver Charles

Workleisure Tip #1: Opt For Comfort

When it comes to workleisure, comfort is key. I recommend checking your fabrics, tags, and laundry detergent to confirm that your workleisure wardrobe is good for your skin.

Natural fabrics, such as SeaCellorganic cotton, yak wool, linen, and silk are your skin’s best friends.

While it may seem counterintuitive to wear a nice sweater when you’re simply hanging at home alone, taking care of your body should be a priority for your workleisure staple wardrobe.

As for laundry detergent, or even which deodorant to wear, several options on the market are suitable for sensitive skin. I recommend going with one of these options even if you don’t consider your skin sensitive.

My go-to detergent is Tide Free & Gentle, which has zero dyes or perfumes. My go-to deodorant is Lume, which is natural and has been great for me, never leaving residue.

If you experience sensory sensitivity, you’ll also want to cut out any tags that could rub you the wrong way. These little irritations are distracting, and you don’t have time for distractions when you’re a remote worker on a deadline.

The good news about Oliver Charles sweaters is that their labels only have a small tack stitch at the corner. Easy to snip out without damaging your 100% seamless sweater. However, with the seamless design and soft cotton tags, I didn’t find it necessary to snip them out.

Re-Wear And Repeat Everyday Wool Sweaters - Oliver Charles

Workleisure Tip #2: Re-Wear And Repeat

Imagine snoozing your alarm for one more cycle or squeezing in a 15-minute yoga session just before opening your laptop right on the dot. That’s what workleisure outfit repeating can do for you.

If you’re new to the outfit repeating game, then consider how re-wearing your work clothes could simplify morning decisions.

Instead of sifting through the clothing items on the floor of your closet, you’ll grab a staple sweater and a pair of high-waisted jeans that you left hanging on the chair in your room.

Neither was washed yesterday but can still be worn several times before needing a wash.

When you re-wear your favorite clothes, you can style them in a variety of ways or stick with the same look each time.

Outfit Repeating Is Fun And Sustainable - Oliver Charles

Workleisure Tip #3: Keep It Classic

Your Frankie Say Relax baby tee won’t do you any favors during video calls. Instead, opt for a classic piece.

My Navy Blue All-Season Waffle Knit worked perfectly. It wasn't just comfortable and easy to wear day after day, but it also has a refined, plush texture that gave off a professional aesthetic. By choosing a neutral, solid color, you’ll avoid side-eye and those wiggly screen issues that several prints can cause.

By the way, classic doesn’t equal boring. Accessorize your sweater by stacking gold necklaces, adding a brooch (Yes, I said it! Vintage is always in.), or showing off your favorite timepiece.

If you feel trapped by the “appropriate” workleisure, get creative with your off-screen elements. I love a pair of Lorelai Gilmore-esque jean shorts and boots with my All-Season Waffle Knit.

Choosing A Classic Sweater With A Classic Color - Oliver Charles

Workleisure Tip #4: Keep It Temperature-Controlled

When WFH leads to WFC (coffee shop), you lose all control of the thermostat. Reach for a temperature-controlled piece to stay comfortable despite caffeine spikes and barista-determined cold fronts.

My All-Season Waffle Knit is a perfect workleisure choice for keeping comfortable regardless of the indoor climate. It comes in especially handy when I get stuck with the table right under the air conditioning vent at my local coffee shop. If you don’t have one of these sweaters yet, make sure to layer up before you head out.

Another remote worker pro tip I’ve developed: Take socks, like Oliver Charles Ankle Socks, with you to the coffee shop. In the summer months, I wear a lot of sandals. I’ve found that keeping warm inside is much easier to do if I can throw on a pair of socks while I work. I love to infuse a bit of personality into my coffee shop workleisure by opting for socks from my favorite brands.

Introducing My New Go-To Sweater - Oliver Charles

Workleisure Tip #5: Choose Clothing That Lasts

Slow fashion is in. Fast fashion is out.

If you’re like me, you care about taking care of the earth’s resources. By selecting durable workleisure pieces, you reduce your carbon footprint and save money by investing in pieces that last.

Imagine a closet full of high-quality pieces designed to last a lifetime.

You can build this workleisure wardrobe over time, and it won’t quit on you.

When shopping for your heirloom-worthy pieces, make sure to check how your workleisure was made and what materials were used. I’ve found that the companies that are making responsible manufacturing decisions love to talk about it on their websites.

They hope all brands will move to a more sustainable process, and they make it easy to see how your purchase benefits both your closet and the earth.

Choose Clothes That Last A Lifetime - Oliver Charles

Where To Shop For Workleisure Clothes

For workleisure that checks all five boxes, consider the Oliver Charles All-Season Sweaters.

The fabric is made from the soft down wool of high-elevation yak, called khullu.

Khullu is world-renowned for its temperature-regulating and odor-resistant properties, making it a perfect choice for my workleisure wardrobe.

Plus, my Navy Blue Oliver Charles Waffle Knit has a lifetime guarantee, removing up to 30% of my carbon footprint. It’s an outfit repeater’s dream piece with classic workleisure appeal.

To simplify your search, go with the All-Season Sweater for your ideal workleisure top and everyday staple.

Why Your Workleisure Matters

Seasoned remote workers have figured out that getting ready for work helps our mood and productivity.

We don’t dress for the office. We dress for ourselves.

By following the five tips above, you can take care of yourself, your career, and the environment as you build your workleisure wardrobe.

Kelsey Harrison is a freelance copywriter for creative brands. She reads and writes from her favorite coffee shop in East Texas. When she's not working, she enjoys running with friends, playing with her kids, and watching her husband cook for her.

If you believe that every good wardrobe starts with owning less and owning better, consider buying yourself an OLIVER CHARLES sweater.
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